Expert Simulation Developer needed for Marvel Zombies Board Game

South Korea
Còn lại 167 ngày
212 ngày trước
  • Kỹ năng cần thiết

    Python Testing
  • Giới thiệu dự án

    As the project owner, I'm seeking an expert simulation developer to work on a Marvel Zombies Board Game. The primary goal for the simulation is to test the game balance.

    Key Responsibilities:
    - Create a simulation for the Marvel Zombies Board Game
    - Test the character abilities and game mechanics for game balance
    - This includes ensuring that no single character or game mechanic dominates the game
    - Provide clear and detailed feedback on the current state of the game balance

    Ideal Candidate:
    - Extensive experience as a simulation developer working on board games
    - Expertise in testing character abilities and game mechanics
    - Knowledge and understanding of the Marvel Zombies universe is a plus
    - Strong analytical skills and the ability to provide clear feedback on game balance

    The successful candidate will be able to work independently and efficiently to meet deadlines. If you're an expert simulation developer with a passion for board games and the Marvel Zombies universe, I'd love to hear from you.
  • Các yêu cầu

    - Python
    - Data Processing
    - Testing
  • Website tham khảo

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