Multilingual website creation(korea,japan)

South Korea
Còn lại 181 ngày
226 ngày trước
  • Kỹ năng cần thiết

    vuejs, nodejs
  • Giới thiệu dự án

    Hello! We are planning to develop a website for GameXpo. This website will offer users a unique and engaging experience with plenty of interactive effects. It is anticipated to consist of a total of 5 pages, each designed to provide visitors with diverse content and information.

    Our goal is to stimulate interest in GameXpo and encourage participation and engagement. Therefore, the website will be designed with visually appealing and easily accessible interfaces. Additionally, interactive features will be implemented to create an environment where users can actively participate.

    For those interested in this project or seeking further information, please feel free to contact us for more details. We look forward to creating an exciting experience together!
  • Các yêu cầu

    1. User Experience (UX) Consideration: Provide an intuitive and efficient interface that allows users to navigate easily and find the information they need.
    2. Responsive Design: Ensure a layout that adapts to various screen sizes, from mobile devices to desktops.
    3. Fast Loading Speed: Optimize performance with optimized images and code to ensure quick loading times.
    4. Web Accessibility Compliance: Adhere to web accessibility guidelines to ensure that users with disabilities can easily access the website.
    5. Security: Implement appropriate security measures, such as installing SSL certificates, to protect personal information and prevent data breaches.
    6. SEO Optimization: Apply SEO techniques such as meta tags and keyword usage to improve visibility on search engines.
    7. Clear Navigation: Display menus and links clearly to allow users to easily navigate to different pages.
    8. Content Management System (CMS): Build a CMS to efficiently manage and update content for ease of maintenance.
    9. Browser Compatibility: Test and optimize the website to ensure it functions properly across different web browsers.
    10 .Analytics: Track and analyze website usage statistics to understand user behavior and identify areas for improvement.
  • Website tham khảo (ui/ux) (only desinge check)
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* Số tiền dự thầu có thể thay đổi một chút do biến động tỷ giá hối đoái.
* Khi đối tác nhận được khoản thanh toán của dự án, số tiền được thanh toán có thể thay đổi đôi chút tùy thuộc vào tỷ giá hối đoái của khách hàng.
* Khách hàng không bị ảnh hưởng bởi tỷ giá khi thanh toán dự án.